Can social media replace my website?

Can social media replace my website?

We’re sometimes asked “I have a Facebook page. Do I still need a website?” Trust us, we love Facebook as much as the next...

Getting Back in the Creative Groove

Getting Back in the Creative Groove

Writer’s block. Lack of inspiration. A creative rut by any other name would smell just as awful. Creativity can stop for a whole bunch...

Intern Spotlight: Noah and Ryan

Intern Spotlight: Noah and Ryan

Meeting folks with a variety of knowledge and experience is always a pleasure, and working with Ryan Nguyen and Noah Johnson, two interns from...

Logo Trends 101

Logo Trends 101

What’s #trending right now? Just like those crazy TikTok dances we’re always seeing on our FYP, design trends also pop up throughout the year....

Image Formats (and Where to Use Them)

Image Formats (and Where to Use Them)

Picture this: Your business just went through a rebrand. Now you have a shiny new logo that you’re very proud of (and hey, you...

Getting Social with your Socials: 8 Social Media Tips

Getting Social with your Socials: 8 Social Media Tips

In an increasingly digital age, being active on social media is important for businesses of all shapes and sizes. A solid social media presence...

Intern Spotlight: Alec Martin

Intern Spotlight: Alec Martin

We always love meeting creative folks at Posture, including the amazing interns we have the pleasure of working with. This fall, we’re joined by...

An Ode to Extensions

An Ode to Extensions

Browser extensions make our lives easier every day. Since their introduction in 1999, over 100,000 have been created for Google Chrome alone. Browser extensions...

Hello Dark Mode, My Old Friend

Hello Dark Mode, My Old Friend

In the early days of computers, dark screens with light text was the only option. At the time, there was no way to light...

Intern Spotlight: Antonio Maletta

Intern Spotlight: Antonio Maletta

This summer we are joined by Antonio Maletta, a student at The University of Rhode Island studying Public Relations. Antonio has been interested in...