We always love having interns join us at Posture. Over the years, we’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with some super cool people from a variety of backgrounds. For the last few months, we’ve been joined by Briton Hainsworth, a student at Utah Valley University studying Graphic Design. Briton is our first completely remote intern, and we’re thrilled that he was able to join our team!

Who are ya?
Briton Hainsworth
Where do you call home?
I have always lived near and grew up in Lindon UT, but I think I’m about ready for a change in scenery.
What inspired you to study Graphic Design at Utah Valley University?
I’ve always loved imagining and creating new things, but I think what really introduced me to the world of graphic design was jailbreaking iPhones. I jailbroke my first iPod touch in 2008. Since then, I was instantly hooked on designing and customizing the user interface to my liking. I have jailbroken every iPhone I have owned since, mainly to theme and customize.
Who inspires you?
I’d say I’m pretty easily inspired. Really anyone I notice working hard for something they care about is pretty inspiring. There are a lot of normal everyday people worth looking up to!
What made you want to intern at Posture Interactive all the way in PA?
I had been looking for an opportunity to work with other creatives, but a lot of opportunities that I came across fell through due to COVID-19 restrictions. I really wanted to work at a company that works in the branding space, because I knew there would be a large variety of projects and opportunities to learn and try new things. Posture was the perfect opportunity to work remotely in the environment I was looking for.
Besides your internship with us, what else do you have going on in your life?
My wife and I have our first baby coming at the end of this month (It’s a girl!) so we’re gearing up in a lot of ways for that! Otherwise I love digital modeling and 3D printing in my spare time, but I spend most of my time with my wife, whether that is in the mountains, lap swimming at the local rec center, playing games, or (of course) just sitting in front of the tv together.
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I can play just about any song on the cello by ear and I’m not too bad at throwing a yoyo around.
Illustrator, InDesign, or Photoshop?
Hmmmm… Photoshop was definitely my introductory program in the graphic design world, but I’d have to say I’ve become pretty partial to Illustrator in most situations. Gotta love them crispy vectors!
If you could hang out with any famous person for a day (living or not), who would it be?
Jack Black is my dream homie.