Stay Home. Practice Social Distancing. We’re all in it together. We stay home so they can save lives.
By now, you’re pretty familiar with the new messaging surrounding the current global situation. And like many others, you probably hadn’t factored a global pandemic into your 2020 business plan. Yeah, neither did we.
We did, however, have plans to meet with new businesses and generate new branding ideas. We had plans to:
- Travel to new places and go to weddings with friends and family.
- Keep our current websites in tip-top shape with new code updates.
- Have a Posture group game night, as we tend to do every few months.
- Go on video shoots and capture our partners at the moment.
We also had plans to launch a fake dog version of our site for an April Fool’s joke. Obviously, we had to put some of those plans on hold. Other ideas, however, we were able to carry out with a new spin.
In the spirit of being an interactive group full of creative problem solvers, we’ve pushed ourselves harder than ever before to find ways to carry out plans. We kick off new websites and projects via video conference. We have digital competitive challenges daily capped off with a video conference “Happy Hour” every Friday.
We coach our clients through shooting their own video and sending the footage our way to work our Posture Magic™ on it. We find ways to continuously connect with others while uncovering the silver lining one day at a time.
We have been so inspired by those around us that we are continually finding new ways to get their message out and bring in business without physically interacting with people.

This ability to change course when things don’t go as planned has been an integral part of our business over the years. It is what led us to our recent rendition of “Pawsture Interwagtive.” We had planned for this launch since January, gathering assets and footage and carefully curating a social campaign to launch as an April Fool’s joke.
Honestly, we couldn’t see that original plan going over well at this point in time, and we couldn’t be tone-deaf to what was happening around us. So we got to work re-tooling a lot of our messaging for the original social media schedule and pushed up our launch schedule to fill the remainder of March instead of hitting one day in April. We realized that now, more than ever, the world needed to see the smiling puppy faces of Pawsture Interwagtive. We hope you enjoyed them as much as we do every day!

Think about those plans you had before you found out about “shelter in place.” What spin can you put on them now to find a new way to connect with others? We have been so inspired by those around us that we are continually finding new ways to get their message out and bring in business without physically interacting with people. This is what interactive design looks like on a global scale – making a digital connection with those around you to present a clear message. This is one of the things we love most about the work we do.
The world is continuously changing, but all we can do is take it one day at a time. If you need advice on how to do that, we’re here for you. From all of us (and our pups) at Posture, we wish you much love as we all continue to navigate this new normal.

Visit to see our pups at work.