A bunch of Posture folks decided to embark on another book club journey this year. We took a dive into some cerebral reads together. We decided on two books with content (and titles and covers, let’s be honest) that really piqued our interest while offering some insights into how we deal with other humans in our daily lives.
The group decided to take a few weeks to dig into the content independently. We then met up to share our biggest takeaways. The resulting conversations really opened our eyes. It helped bring perspective how we consume content depending on what lens we view our experiences through.

“The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck” by Mark Manson
What sold us on this book: We all know the saying “When life give gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Mark Manson argues to live a good life, instead of turning lemons into lemonade, we may just need to learn to handle our lemons better.

Kevin’s Takeaway:
“Even Dave Mustaine feels like a failure, despite being one of the most celebrated guitar players in his genre. It entirely puts into perspective the concept of failure. If you’re constantly trying to measure yourself up against other people, you’ll never truly be happy. Learning to celebrate success, in addition to failure, is the key to true success. You cannot base your happiness on things out of your control; simply put: If it’s out of your personal control, don’t let it control you.”

Jamie‘s Takeaway:
“I think the worst feeling in the world is disappointment, and isn’t feeling like a failure ultimately a feeling of disappointing yourself? By expecting to fail and welcoming failure as an opportunity for growth, you are prepared for whatever comes your way. One of very few things you can control is your expectations and by controlling your expectations you can avoid disappointing yourself.”

Autumn‘s Takeaway
“Don’t be afraid of failure. Everyone fails at something, and if you’re not failing, you’re probably not pushing yourself hard enough to succeed. In our world we’re taught to be afraid of failure, but you can’t learn and grow without it. Being afraid of failing will prevent you from moving forward, and that fear will prevent you from doing… literally everything. Who would have ever guessed that failure could be the key to happiness?”
“Think Again” by Adam Grant
What sold us on this book: Is there ever joy in being wrong? Adam Grant challenges us to adapt to our always changing environment and embrace being wrong. There’s nothing wrong with being wrong. We’ve just got to accept it.

Mat’s Takeaway
“This book subtly trains your brain on the dangers of not listening to others and being forced into an unnecessary, uncomfortable situation as opposed to thinking about a problem alternatively and actively listening to those around you (who may be “right”). Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, reconsidering assumptions and putting those new angles out there takes some courage. Admitting when you’re wrong, followed by acting and supporting the alternative outcome that isn’t ideal to you is a humbling experience (if you put the work in).”

Kat‘s Takeaway
“I went into this book thinking there would be more focus on creative thinking strategy. Instead, I found that there were a lot more interpersonal examples. I like that one of the most powerful aspects of embracing when you’re wrong is how disarming it can be to fully acknowledge when someone is right. It can change the entire mood of the room and encourage others to think in a new way.”