We love hosting interns here at Posture, and we’ve had the pleasure of working with many creative individuals from a variety of colleges and universities. Over the past ten weeks we’ve been joined by Ana Perez, a senior at Wilkes University pursuing a degree in Digital Design and Media Arts. Ana was our first intern from Wilkes University, and boy did she set the bar high for her classmates! We hope you enjoy reading about Ana as much as we enjoyed working with her.

Who are ya?
Ana Perez
Where do you call home?
I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic but moved to The United States seven years ago. I am currently living in Hazleton, Pennsylvania.
What inspired you to study Digital Design and Media Art at Wilkes University?
The truth is that I was doing graphic design before I knew it was called graphic design. When I was little, I spent my days drawing houses and characters, and then when I was growing up I used to make business cards and birthday invitations in word documents. I also used to love creating PowerPoints and presentations when I was in high school. I enjoyed creating artworks with papers, photos and colors but I did not know that that was a career until I arrived in this country. I don’t think that something specific inspired me to become a graphic designer, I just love how it feels to create.
I just love how it feels to create.
Who inspires you?
Working women inspire me, no matter their career. I love when women follow their dreams, get an education and excel in their field.
You’re our first Wilkes intern! What attracted you to Posture Interactive?
Last year I was invited to the American Advertising Awards in Scranton, where I saw Posture for the first time. Their work impressed me and I found the team very cool and dynamic. When it was time for me to choose an internship, I decided to apply here because I wanted to see what it was like to work for an agency. I thought that Posture was the perfect place for me to put into practice everything I’ve learned, and have the opportunity to learn from them as well.
What has been your favorite project you’ve worked on at Posture so far?
I loved creating the storyboards for Dwell Real Estate and designing the pages for the Scranton Chamber of Commerce Momentum magazine.
You’re a busy girl! Besides your internship at Posture, what else do you have going on?
Besides my internship at Posture, I have two part-time jobs. I work for Michaels Distribution Center as a Loss Prevention Specialist on the weekends and I am one of the Graphic Design and Media Art scholars in the Allan P. Kirby Center for Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at Wilkes University during the week helping students, professors, staff and external clients with designs and logos for their business’s ideas. I also do a lot of freelance work and I have a cat named Kali Pachanguero like this song.
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
When I was 14 I used to practice belly dance and I was part of a modeling academy.
You’re new to Downtown Scranton. Do you have a favorite local hangout?
I had the opportunity to go to Nay Aug Park a couple years ago and I loved the experience. I want to come back again this summer.
If you could trade places with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be?
I would like to be my cat for one day to see if he really loves me. I would like to be a dolphin, too.