The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties has been a staple in our community for as far back as I can remember. Whether it was stuffing envelopes, painting a house, or earning my fundraising pin, I’ve always had a wonderful experience working with this group of kind and caring professionals. But do you realize the massive amount of work they do?

The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties fight for the education, financial stability and health of every person in our community. They identify the most concerning issues for our community;  pool resources for fundraising, awareness, and volunteers and then fearlessly attack social problems head-on.

Support of the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties isn’t supporting just one cause, it’s supporting the many issues the cause threat to the well-being of our community.

Live United and support your community by building a virtual gingerbread house for The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties.

Join the Posture House Party now through December 31st and share your house on social media with #PostureHouseParty to vote for The United Way as the winner of our grand prize — a cash donation plus design and digital support totaling $5,000!

Start building here.